Sport, Spirit, and Service Points

The CCS Houses show their Warrior Spirit when they come out and cheer on the HOME teams in Volleyball, Soccer, and Cross Country.

For attending the CCS home games on 8/21, 8/22, and 8/26, Audacia received 22pts, Fides received 10pts, and Sapientia received 8pts.

  CCS volleyball

Moe’s Spirit Night:  Fides 4pts and Sapientia 2pts

moe's spirit night

Spread the Mulch and Spread the Cheer Volunteers: Sapientia 9pts and Fides 3pts

mulch ccs

Core Values August 15-26, 2014

Congratulations to House Audacia for demonstrating the following core values:

  • Five members demonstrated DILIGENCE, FORTITUDE, and EFFORT in World History 7.
  • Two members demonstrated CHIVALRY by going out of their way to show patience and courtesy by holding the classroom door for students in another class.
  • One member stayed behind after Spanish class to voluntarily straighten chairs demonstrating a SERVANT’S HEART.
  • Two members in Rhetoric I have demonstrated EXCELLENCE in academic pursuits  and service by cleaning the classroom.
  • One member has demonstrated LEADERSHIP by being instrumental in house set up through communication, readiness, and follow-up.
  • Five members from the American Culture 8th grade class demonstrated RESPECT when they all showed up to class ready to work.
  • One member from Algebra I class demonstrated INITIATIVE by passing out papers without being asked.
  • One member demonstrated SERVICE by staying behind in the classroom to voluntarily straighten chairs and pick up trash.

Congratulations to House Fides for demonstrating the following core values:

  • One member in English 10 demonstrated SERVICE by taking out trash without being asked.
  • One member in Christendom class demonstrated CHIVALRY by holding the door for quite a few people as school was starting.
  • One member in biology demonstrated INITIATIVE by taking out trash without being asked.
  • One member in Rhetoric II demonstrated LEADERSHIP: a willingness to serve others without being asked, when he emptied the trash
  • .Four members demonstrated DILIGENCE, FORTITUDE, and EFFORT in World History 7.
  • Two members in Rhetoric I have demonstrated EXCELLENCE in academic pursuits.
  • Six members from the American Culture 8th grade class demonstrated RESPECT when they all showed up to class ready to work.
  • One member demonstrated KINDNESS and GENEROSITY by supplying an item to enhance the learning in another class.

Congratulations to House Sapientia for demonstrating the following core values:

  • Four members demonstrated DILIGENCE, FORTITUDE, and EFFORT in World History 7.
  • One member in Rhetoric I has demonstrated EXCELLENCE in academic pursuits.
  • Six members from the American Culture 8th grade class demonstrated RESPECT when they all showed up to class ready to work.
  • One member demonstrated a COMPASSIONATE HEART in her desire to pray for her classmates.
  • One member demonstrated SELF-CONTROL in Latin II by picking a seat to stay focused in class.
  • One member demonstrated CHIVALRY by going out of his way to hold the door for people.
  • One member demonstrated SERVICE by staying behind in the classroom to voluntarily straighten chairs and pick up trash.
  • One member demonstrated INITIATIVE by gathering all the students together for theater class.
  • One member demonstrated LOVE and KINDNESS by sitting in between two new students at lunch to help them not feel left out.
  • One member demonstrated CHIVALRY AND KINDNESS by holding the door for teachers and faculty in the rain.

House Update 8/22/14

Congratulations to …

House Audacia for turning in the t-shirt sizes of all its members first! (5pts)

House Audacia for having the most members come out and support the Theater Production – The Mysterious Affairs at Styles! (2pts per member present)theater

House Fides for having the largest turnout at the Back to School Bash! (2pts per member present)

back to school bash


Off to a great start!

The CCS House System was announced during the Upper School Orientation this morning.  House Advisors and Captains were introduced as well as all house members were announced.

House Captains:

Fides – T.J. Arensman
Sapientia – Sam Hale
Audacia – Dawson Hardie

House Advisors:

Fides – Mr. Leland, Mrs. T. Wilmoth, Mrs. StaggersFides House Leaders

Sapientia – Dr. Pfeffer, Ms. Leland, Ms. BinghamSapientia house leaders

Audacia – Mr. Wilmoth, Mrs. Sneed, Mrs. L. WilmothAudacia house leaders