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…Choose this day who you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
Congratulations to House Audacia for choosing virtue:
- One member chose PERSEVERANCE by deciding to stick with a job in the face of disappointment.
- Eleven lady members chose RESPECT and OBEDIENCE as evidenced by their dress on Friday.
- One member chose EXCELLENCE by her diligence in presenting her class project in history.
- Two members chose EXCELLENCE by demonstrating outstanding academic work in Mr. Leland’s class.
- One member chose to SERVE by going the extra mile and volunteered to tape up the gym floor before the Fall Festival for Mrs. Gasparrini.
Congratulations to House Fides for choosing virtue:
- Two members chose a SERVANT’S HEART by carrying pizza boxes to the dumpster for Mrs. Dupont.
- .One member chose EXCELLENCE by demonstrating outstanding academic work in Mr. Leland’s class.
- Three members chose SERVANTHOOD at the Fall Festival when they not only volunteered for the dunk tank but displayed wonderful attitudes.
Congratulations to House Sapientia for choosing virtue:
- Five members chose EXCELLENCE by their diligence in presenting their class project in history.
- One members chose COMPASSION and GOODNESS by devoting her entire time at the Fall Festival to raise money for foreign missions.
- One member chose SERVICE and THOUGHTFULNESS by Cloroxing all the desks in Latin class when a classmate went home sick.
- One member chose EXCELLENCE by demonstrating outstanding academic work in Mr. Leland’s classes.
- Two members chose to SERVE by going the extra mile and volunteered to tape up the gym floor before the Fall Festival for Mrs. Gasparrini.