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4th quarter at CCS is so full of opportunities to earn House points that it is hard to keep up with all of them on the House blog. Points below have been added to the current totals.
March/April Spring Sports
Audacia 3pts, Sapientia 12pts
Audacia 9pts, Fides 6pts, Sapientia 6pts
Audacia 3pts, Fides 3pts, Sapientia 9pts
Baseball – Audacia 3pts, Fides 6pts
March DC Trip for 10th-12th grades – No points awarded – just a lot of fun!
Campus Clean UP for Book Fair and Grandparents Day – Sapientia 20pts
THANK YOU SAPIENTIA members! The Campus looked great!
Upper School Easter Egg Hunt
March 21 Audacia 15pts, Fides 10pts, Sapientia 5pts
March 22 Audacia 10pts, Fides 5pts, Sapientia 15pts
March 23 Audacia 10pts, Fides 15pts, Sapientia 5pts
NCAA tournament brackets
Evan Prince – champion
Emma Stapleton – lowest score
Aaron Stewart – best handwriting and easiest to read
Female Advisor House Game
A sorting game for the ladies! Thank you for your willingness to compete!
Sapientia 1st place (30pts), Fides 2nd place (20pts), Audacia 3rd place (10pts)
Male Advisor House Game
Minute to Win it “Bite Me” game that truly “stretched” the men in ways they never imagined! SO grateful for your going the extra mile for your House!
Fides and Sapientia tied for 1st (30pts each), Audacia 3rd place (10pts)
Spirit Day (No points for participating since all grades did not have a chance to take pictures and submit them.) Each grade dressed up as a particular theme for the day. 7th grade Twin theme (all classmates dressed the same)
8th grade – Making a Rainbow theme
9th grade TV/Movie characters – no picture
10th grade – Super Heroes – no picture
11th grade Where’s Waldo theme
12th grade “senioritis” – no picture
Powder Puff
Team Jonathan (in yellow) vs. Team Jackson (in red) Team Jackson
Evan (in the center) as the Referee
The “cheerleaders”
Team Jonathan and Nick
Jackson’s team won!
2016 Sophomore, Junior, Senior Prom attendance –
Audacia 18pts, Fides 18 pts, Sapientia 16pts
Chick Fila Spirit Night – Fides 2pts, Sapientia 2pts
Cabarrus County Special Olympics – 11th and 12th graders had a wonderful time serving as buddies and competition timers
Audacia 30pts, Fides 36pts, Sapientia 36pts
Current Standings:
400pts 354pts 286pts