April/May point update for 4th quarter

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Why is it that the end of the year is packed full of all sorts of fun events?  All that fun makes for all the points to be entered to stack up and blog postings to get behind schedule.  Below are more points accrued during April and May.

Girl’s Movie Night – Student Government hosted a girl’s movie night for the 7th-12th grade girls. Audacia 6pts, Fides10pts, Sapientia 10pts


Winter Sports AwardsAudacia 20pts, Fides 20pts, Sapientia 20pts

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Spring Sports AwardsAudacia 5pts, Fides 10pts, Sapientia 15pts

Art Show – Students and parents were invited to the 2016 CCS Upper School  Art Show and reception!  They enjoyed  refreshments and chatted with the young artists while they viewed their Art in the gallery at the Cabarrus Art Guild.  House Sapientia hosted a social at Cabarrus Creamery for those that came out to support CCS artists! Audacia 4pts, Fides 6pts, Sapientia 16pts

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Student Government completed its election season with the election for class representatives.  All students that ran for a leadership position were awarded points.  Audacia 18pts, Fides 15pts, Sapientia 21pts

Open House toursAudacia 18pts, Fides 18pts, Sapientia 15pts

House Surveys – Audacia 5pts, Fides 10pts, Sapientia 15pts

Theatre Attendance points – Audacia 22pts plus 10pts for serving as a House on Saturday night, Fides 22pts plus 10pts for serving as a House on Friday night, Sapientia 30pts

CCS Community Service DayAudacia 81pts, Fides 135pts, Sapientia 108pts

Audacia showed their school spirit by hosting a tailgate before the last soccer game of the year! – 20pts


Did you know that Mason’s golf gallery wish came true?  Several students came out to cheer on the CCS golf team in their last match.


Fides had two consecutive Fridays with impressive House spirit by having at least 75% of the members in House spirit wear!  15pts for 4/29 and 15pts on 5/6rsz_img_7434rsz_img_7470

Mr. and Mrs. Wilmoth Baby Shower – The faculty and students celebrated the Wilmoth’s new baby due in June with an Upper Schol baby shower during Chapel time.  Each class presented them with gifts like diapers, wipes, pacifiers, onesies, and baby toys.


Sapientia displayed great school spirit by praying for all the Upper School students and letting them know by placing a note on a card on the student’s locker.  rsz_img_7471rsz_img_7472

Attendance at the Spring House Games (Upper School field day)  – Audacia 44pts, Fides 46pts, Sapientia 36pts

Sapientia members volunteered for to paint Mrs. Harris art room – 54 community service points.

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Sapientia’s Co-Captain Ashley Nault turned in 23.25 hours of community service hours for points.

Current Standings for 4th Qtr:
       970pts            931pts              780pts

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