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Audacia House Advisor, Mrs. Quillen, knows how to set the bar high and show her house spirit! At orientation last month, she decorated her table boldly…courageously…in the CCS AND House Audacia colors!
Audacia House Captain, Kirby Thipgen, is also getting the ball rolling by submitting her ticket stubs to various museums she has visited over the summer months.
** Remember all visits to museums, symphonies, art shows, musicals, etc. fall under points for the Arts and can be submitted anytime.
Audacia was also the first to submit a picture of most of their house wearing their house shirts on Friday.
Fides and Sapientia…consider yourself warned. As the Audacia House chant says…”watch out…Audacia is coming for ya! ROAR!”
Leadership points… to House Fides for being the first house to post upcoming information on the bulletin board and make a creative flyer to do so! Well done!
Current Standings:
554pts 444pts 627pts