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For our current Juniors and Seniors first semester is full of college applications, college interviews and college visits! Our Seniors have spent countless hours writing essays and preparing to hit submit on college applications. Now they are applying for scholarships and Honors programs throughout the county, while also interviewing and visiting the schools that are at the top of their lists! It is a busy season indeed!

Some college visits included meeting up with CCS Alumni, like Daniel Haycox at Lipscomb University.

At the school, the Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors have all enjoyed meeting Admission Representatives from Hillsdale, Samford, Campbell, and more, as the college reps have visited CCS to get to know our students and answer any questions about their University!

Our seniors have been VERY busy! Here is an update on their progress.
So far our seniors have applied to a total of 48 different colleges. – 21 colleges in the state of NC8 colleges in SC, 7 colleges in TN, 3 colleges in VA, and 1 college each in AL, CA, CT, FL, GA, IN, MD, OH, and WV. And celebration is everywhere as the acceptances are rolling in fast!