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The 6th Annual Fall House Games Competition was the first House Games with 4 Houses in competition! As in previous years, the competition was fierce but filled with silly games, laughter, and great sportsmanship.

For each game, the House leaders had to strategically determine which members should participate based on the skills needed or the willingness of the members to do some of the crazier activities. Each game had the 1st place winner receiving 1 point, 2nd place winner receiving 2pts, 3rd place winner receiving 3pts, and 4th place winner receiving 4pts. The “Ultimate Winner of the Fall House Games” was the House with the lowest number of points.

Throughout the afternoon the points were close between the four Houses, but at the end of the day, House Fides was announced the winner, with House Constantia close behind in second place.

1st place – Fides 38 points
2nd place – Constantia 42 points
3rd place – Sapientia 47 points
4th place – Audacia 50 points
We began the games with the House chant competition, judged by Mrs. Thigpen and Mrs. Russell. While the House chants did not count for points in the Fall Games, they really kicked off the competition with an awesome display of house spirit!

Balloon Smash – It’s a tradition to start off Fall Games with this noisy and crazy game of balloon stomp!

Elephant War – in honor of the new house of elephants, we decided to have the 4 House Captains battle each other with “tusks.”

The Spaghetti Cup Relay
Conjoined Gift Wrapping – House Advisor with student.
Protect The Crown
Fastest Challenge – Cup Stack
Fastest Challenge – Dictionary Word Lookup
Our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner! YUM YUM!
Cookie Face Challenge
Telephone Charades
Indoor Hockey challenge against Mrs. Newberg and Mr. Parker to finish off the competition!