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The winter sports Pep Rally started with a fun all school dance party!
Then all the students lined up around the outside of the basketball court as the athletes’ names were called out and each ran around the court giving and receiving high 5’s.
Then the SG leaders, led by Maggie Faircloth and Jeremy Kirwin, taught the students how to play a fun “big dice” game of elimination. It was a huge hit!
After the grammar school students were dismissed, the upper school students played a game of dodgeball. Seniors and Teachers vs 7th through 11th graders!
Immediately following the Pep Rally, House Constantia hosted a tailgate in the Commons for all the Houses with tons of food, games, and fellowship!
And a few of the brave students had the chance to challenge the self proclaimed “Ping Pong Master,” our very own Athletic Director – Mr. Parker, in some impressive and intense matches!
Then it was time to go to the gym to cheer on our JV and Varsity Warriors!! GO WARRIORS!!!