Changing of the Guard

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This year we are piloting a change to our Student Government. Instead of having one Student Body President for the duration of the school year, each House Captain is leading the student body for one quarter.

Our first quarter Student Body President was House Fides Captain Maggie Faircloth! Maggie did an excellent job leading our student body doing this unprecedented year. Maggie encouraged her fellow leaders and peers with enthusiasm and strength!

At the end of first quarter it was time for Maggie to step down and hand the job of SG President over to our next Captain! Per our CCS tradition, Maggie signed our CCS sword!

Welcome to our Second quarter Student Body President is House Audacia Captain, Anna Cooper!

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This is Anna’s first year in leadership, and she kicked it off by leading her House Audacia to the first quarter win! Anna is focused, driven, and full of love for our CCS student body!

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