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To kick off the Christmas season, Student Government created the “5 Days of Christmas” celebration which included Christmas sock and hat Monday, Saint Nick party on Tuesday, gingerbread house contest on Wednesday, ugly sweater contest on Thursday, and a class competition with door decorating on Friday. Not all of the fun was awarded with House points but as you can see below, certain items were point worthy!
House Fides continued their tradition of showing their Christmas spirit by Christmas Caroling in the morning the weeks between Thanksgiving and finals. (33pts)
The ultimate winner of the Ugly Sweater Contest was junior, Laura Sneed, of House Fides (15pts). The class winners were Mason (12th) and Callie (9th) from House Sapientia (10pts) and Emma S (10th) and Sydney H (8th) of House Audacia (10pts).
For the Door Decorating Contest, 1st place went to the Senior Class and 2nd place to the Junior class.
Below are pictures of the winners of the Gingerbread House Competition.
Points were awarded for attending and serving during the Grammar School Christmas Program. Audacia 8pts, Fides 10pts, Sapientia 10pts
The monthly House Meetings also occurred during the “5 Days of Christmas” celebration. During the individual House meetings, there was a game to see who could draw the best Christmas scene on a paper plate (which was on their head). Proving to be quite challenging (and funny), House Audacia came out on top with members receiving the highest number of points for their “artistic” renditions of a star topped Christmas tree beside a fireplace and mantle decorated with stockings.
1st place drawers – House Audacia with Parker, Emma S, and Kirby – 15pts
2nd place drawers – House Fides with Katie, Evan, and Weston – 10pts
3rd place drawers – House Sapientia with Lauren, Oliver, and Anna – 5pts
For “fun” the House Captains and Prefects played a little Candy Cane Challenge game.
During the week, SG’s Community Service Prefect, Emily G, coordinated a time to stuff boxes for Operation Christmas Child with the grammar school classes. Then at the end of the week, 20 members (ages 13+) of the Upper School served at the Operation Christmas Child processing center preparing the boxes to be shipped worldwide.
Audacia 42pts, Fides 54pts, Sapientia 24pts
As busy little elves, House Audacia members wrapped books for 1st grade students in the public school system. They will be given out at the end of the school year by some members of the RCCC student rotary and some of the English teachers at RCCC. (10pts) But Audacia’s generous spirit didn’t stop there, they also bought the favorite candy of each teacher and staff member and surprised them with the treat and a sweet Christmas note. (House spirit points – 15) And that spirit was also shared with House Sapientia who surprised Mr. Mario with a gift card and made over-sized Christmas cards for Mrs. Haycox and Mr. Mario signed by all the house members. House Spirit points – 15)
And showing their love and support, all the Upper School students signed a card for Mrs. Dearing and Mrs. Prince!
Warrior Basketball games also filled the month of December. Moms and Dads have been contributing to their student’s House points every time they volunteer to serve in concessions or at the ticket table for the games. And when students come out and cheer on their Warrior teams, they rack up the spirit points too. Audacia 156pts, Fides 130pts, Sapientia 110pts
Serving as spotters and keeping the stats for the boys varsity team, Cameron and Kirby go to each game – home and away – and thus bring in more service points for House Sapientia and House Audacia. And Weston and Ben from House Fides serve by working the clock and scoreboard at the MS basketball games.
House Fides created a shirt tracker board to reward House spirit. Very clever! (5pts)Note – With the cold weather, please let your House Captains know if you need a long sleeve House shirt ($16 each).
Congratulations to Erin Davis of House Sapientia for being accepted by the Perry Initiative to be part of their one-day Perry Outreach Program at the Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte. Erin will hear from women leaders in the fields of medicine and engineering as well as get the chance to perform mock orthopedic surgeries and biomechanics experiments. (5pts)
In preparation for the removal of the first portable trailer, House Sapientia hosted a service day to remove the decking and boardwalk surrounding the trailer. Eight members from Sapientia and 2 members from Audacia showed up – during their Christmas break!! – to do some hard labor. Sapientia 72pts, Audacia 18pts
The excitement over the Building Generosity Campaign continues. The House that was first to have ALL its families contributing to the campaign was House Sapientia (50pts). And House Fides voted to give all the money that they had raised for a Gaga Ball Pit ($200) towards the campaign. (50pts)
Core Values for 12/13-12/16:
House Audacia
- Two Members demonstrated KINDNESS by giving Mr. Morton a very meaningful gift for his birthday and for Christmas.
- One Member displayed CHIVALRY by opening the door for classmates and teachers.
- One Member displayed SERVICE by helping with the candy grams.
House Fides
- Two Members displayed SERVICE by helping with the candy grams.
House Sapientia
- Two Members displayed SERVICE by helping with the candy grams.
- One Member demonstrated THOUGHTFULNESS by taking out Mrs. Sneed’s trash.
- One Member demonstrated KINDNESS by volunteering to babysit for Mr. Morton as a Christmas gift.
- One Member demonstrated GENEROSITY by giving Mr. Morton a bag of Werther’s Original candies…Mr. Morton’s favorite.
Current Standings as of 12/24/16:
1170pts 1063pts 1066pts
The 2nd Quarter winner will be announced the first week of January after GPA’s are submitted!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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